The Midwest Institute of Scandinavian Culture
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Welcome to 2024---Check our upcoming activities!
Listen to Scandinavian music on Sunday afternoons via information below!
Velkommen Välkommen Velkomin Velkominn, Tervetuloa
We welcome you in Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, Icelandic and Finnish, the languages of the Scandinavian areas of Europe. We are The Midwest Institute of Scandinavian Culture. Our physical location is in Dunn County Wisconsin. Mailing Address: PO Box 522, Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54702 USA
Become a member--support our mission--- use our contact page!
This is What We do!
We support Scandinavian Culture with Workshops, Retreats and Presentations. Projects include a local Folk Fair, Wahlstrom Nordic Workshop for college students, and a yearly Syttende Mai celebration. We provide financial support to other groups in our area who work to do the same.
New: We are providing through the work of board member Paul, 1 hour of Nordic Music on Sunday afternoons 1 -2 PM CT. via public radio. You can listen to the program at WHYS 96.3 FM Eau Claire Community Radio here in Eau Claire or live stream it from anywhere at
At our Annual Meeting the agenda often includes election of officers. Officers are elected for a three year term. Only paid up members can vote. June 2024 elections were held and the following is a list of our officers and our board members:
Tim Sivertson - Pres
Janice Wnukowski - Vice Pres
Linda Curtis - Secretary
Diane Lund - Treasurer
Board Members:
Jeremy Gragert
Paul Kaldjian
Garry Running
Jason Revelle
Gordon Thorpe (1 year completing Bethany's position)
More about us
Membership Information:
Norden Folk invites you to help with the mission of Norden Folk. Norden folk is committed to preserving and maintaining historic and traditional Nordic Culture in the Upper Midwest Area. It is our goal to build and maintain the interest of younger generations through the visual arts and traditional music, folk dance and sport. We would like to build our membership with folks committed to preserving Scandinavian traditions. We need motivated people to come on-board and help with the goal of keeping Nordic culture relevant and vibrant in our multicultural society. In other words, we need you!
Syttende Mai
Syttende Mai translates literally as the “17th of May.”
Norwegians celebrate their independence with shows of national pride that include parades, traditional dress, and traditional foods. It’s also a celebration of spring and renewal as round-the-clock sunshine brings blooming flowers and increased wildlife sightings. It’s a wonderful time of year to be in Norway!
Celebrating Syttende Mai [Suit-en-duh My]
The Midwest Institute of Scandinavian Culture, Sons of Norway, and the Waldemar Ager Association invite the public to celebrate Syttende Mai (May 17, 1814), Norwegian Constitution Day.
The annual event usually brings 125+ people together to celebrate with a banquet and a program. This year, the event took place on May 16, at the Holiday Inn Eau Claire, South, 4751 Owen Ayres Court.
Friluftsliv: Celebrating Open Air Life and Traditions in All Seasons
For Debra Raye King and Thomas Wayne King, every day is an opportunity to celebrate their Norwegian heritages and the joys of Friluftsliv in Northwestern Wisconsin. Preparing for weather challenges, Pakledning, is important to them in every season. Their presentation highlights the joys of hiking, skiing, skating and tending their flock of registered Icelandic wool sheep at Sunny Cove Farm overlooking Lake Superior.
Debbi and Tom--authors, folk composers, and UW-Eau Claire alumni--live, write, and create in Solon Springs, Wisconsin. Sunshine, their Shetland Sheepdog, romps with them at their forested homestead and hilltop farm. Debbi and Tom are descendants of Norwegian immigrant families whose stories, music, photos and treasured items will touch your hearts and inspire you to celebrate the open-air life.
Silent auction. Treasures and memories. And plan your future in the outdoors. Be encouraged to get healthy--choose the right clothes, enjoy the outdoors—friluftsliv! It’s a Scandinavian thing to do.
Wahlstrom Nordic Workshop
The Wahlstrom Nordic workshop was held in February 2024. Check back for updates for the 2025 session.
Culture Fest
"International Folk Fair is now Culture Fest"
Culture Fest was held at UWEC Davies Student Center Eau Claire WI
This family friendly event is a great way to learn more about different cultures from around the world!
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Based in Minneapolis, award-winning Finn Hall Trio recreates the feel and sounds of the historic Finnish-American dance halls for local dancers offering waltz, polka, schottische, mazurka, tango, humppa and other dances.
Scenes from 2022
Like all good Scandinavians, we love our coffee; actually Scandinavians are among the highest consumers of coffee in the world. It might be said that it's a way of life.
& Articles of Interest
History of the Scandinavian People